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\n\n\tI<\/span>mplementation of advanced equipment such as parachutes, Resistance belt, lateral belt, tera band, speed gates and so on will be implemented to make sure the athletes get the best in high quality training and developing out quick results for a great season. These are vital in establishing a child’s athletic foundation for improved performance, injury prevention, and long-term enjoyment of sports participation.[\/vc_column_text]\t<\/div>\n<\/div> The inclusion of Strength and Power training during the 60 minute sessions provides benefits in two ways. First, proper movement techniques with increased force production lead to maximised potential. Secondly, as athletes naturally increase in height, weight, strength and aggressiveness, the need for improved joint integrity is vital for reducing the risk of injury.[\/vc_column_text] The training sessions include sports performance training, high performance training, speed training, goal oriented training, and plyometric training. It\u2019s simply the next level of training.[\/vc_column_text]\n \n\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t<\/span>\n\t<\/span>\n\tThe Accelerating Age (12years \u2013 15years)<\/span>\n<\/h5>\n
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\n \n\t\t<\/span>\n\t\t<\/span>\n\t<\/span>\n\tThe Competitive age (16years upward)<\/span>\n<\/h5>\n
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